Perth and Kinross Council began using the services provided by Capture All in January 2015.

In advance, Capture All took the time to visit and inspect the documents and formulate a logistical plan of document collection and delivery. Perth & Kinross Council staff were also invited to Falkirk to experience the operation and the security involved in our storage unit.


Storage issues due to a two-year building renovation project meant that Perth & Kinross Council required a document scanning and storage provider with a storage facility large enough for 2000 boxes and a production team with the ability to quickly retrieve, scan and return the documents on demand.


"Perth and Kinross Council began using the services provided by Capture All in January 2015", explains Jamie Cormack, Document Strategy Officer.

"Capture All currently store approximately 2000 boxes of various files and data and provide Perth and Kinross Council with a retrieval service for these documents. This takes the form of both a weekly arranged delivery and a scan on demand service. Both have been well run and well received with weekly communications to the staff involved adding a personal and tailored experience to the service provided.

Singled out by staff is the scan on demand service offered, which has so far managed to pinpoint not only files but specific sections of documents and have a high quality scanned image sent directly to those requesting it. The quoted time for this is 4 hours but in reality this has consistently been within the hour."

Click to learn more about Capture All's storage services.